Corrective Preventive Action Request

Help E’Co continually strive to improve PDCA (10-3)

Continual Improvement (10.2 & 10.3)

E’Co continuously strive to improve and now employs the PDCA risk-based method to establish and implement continual development. E’Co will Educate, Train and Adopt any respective information from these forms.

Internal/External Issue (4.1)

At the same time this form should be used to identify any internal or external issues that are relevant to its purpose and that could affect its ability to archive the intended outcomes of its Q/EMS.

Interested Parties (4.2)

Identify the needs and expectations of interest party’s Q/EMS.

Risk and Opportunities (6.1)

Highlight any Internal/External issues needs or expectations of interested parties to determine Risk and or Opportunities of the respected clauses.

Initiator *

Email *

CPAR Option
Corrective Option
Preventive Action
Opportunity for Improvement

Source of CPAR
Internal Audit
External Audit
Customer Complaint
Product Deficiency
Previous CPAR
Sales Order Process
Staff Tool Box Meeting
Management Tool Box Meeting

Reference / Comments
Please leave a comments or any reference details of choice.

Internal & External Issue
Please tick below;
Does this issue needs to be included in or a change of?

Tool Box Meeting
Work Instruction
Formal Instruction
On Job Training

Intrested Parties

Risk & Opportunity
Is this issue classified as risk or opportunity?


Is it necessary to update the Risk Register?
As a result of this form? Yes
As a result of this form? No

Is it necessary to update the Risk Register?
Risk regiser updated? Yes
Risk regiser updated? No

Description of Non-Conformance

Risk or Opportunity for Improvement

Attach snapshot (optional)